This blog is mainly for myself. It is a diary to remind me of the things God has done in my life. It is very easy for me to forget or to become complacent about His role in my life.
I have had the privilege of experiencing a direct intervention by God in my life on more than one occasion, and my wife and I have been living a life of exceeding blessing since the day we met. This does not mean we have it easy all the time, but it does mean that even when we go through challenges, God's presence has been an unwavering pillar that has kept us strong.
If you have experienced miracles in your life, please let me know, I would love to include it in my blog. Please note however that, while I believe that every sunrise, every newborn baby, every safe journey is a miracle, I would like to focus on the extraordinary. The things that happen to us that have no other explanation apart from God.
I have had the privilege of experiencing a direct intervention by God in my life on more than one occasion, and my wife and I have been living a life of exceeding blessing since the day we met. This does not mean we have it easy all the time, but it does mean that even when we go through challenges, God's presence has been an unwavering pillar that has kept us strong.
If you have experienced miracles in your life, please let me know, I would love to include it in my blog. Please note however that, while I believe that every sunrise, every newborn baby, every safe journey is a miracle, I would like to focus on the extraordinary. The things that happen to us that have no other explanation apart from God.